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电话: 13169628625
姓名: Lucy Xiao

  Amanda Intl *域名隐藏* world’s leading strategic supply chain solution provider Bring Chinese consumer goods to the world, providing a global integrated supply chain for importers and exporters, small and medium wholesalers and retailers around the world It is a one-stop export service, It is a global supply chain manager, It is the China purchasing office for customers. It is the world's leading consumer products purchasing company. We are our customers’ partners in China. Our advanta

主要产品/业务: 手提包,斜挎包,钱包,行李袋,拉杆箱,化妆包 , 背包,登山包 ,单肩包, 双肩包, 书包,电脑包,女包, 男包,购物袋, 公文包,日韩版包包,真皮包,包包挂件,品牌包,电器,机械,五金,日用品,汽车配件,装饰品,玩具,自行车

阿曼达国际集团 / 浙江 / 中国(浙江)自由贸易试验区金华市义乌市福田街道中福大厦1号楼3401-1室 () / 电话:13169628625


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